Curtis Wright Outfitters

That is a wrap for 2022 and what a great year it was. We made a ton of new friends, caught fish, and shared our passions with everyone we could. We look forward to 2023 and what the new year has to offer.

We extremely thankful to be able to do what we do on a daily basis and work with all skill level of anglers from beginner to seasoned vet. We love to share our passions and favorite fishing spots with our guests and actually anyone who gives us a chance!

We covered a lot of water, caught a lot of fish, tied a lot of flies, and had a lot of fun doing it. Whether the fish are big or small, wild or stocked, we loved every minute of getting to spend time on the water with our guests.

We are not picky when it comes to fish. If it swims, we want to catch it. We take a quick photo or two and send it safely on its way. We are lucky to have so many quality fisheries near by to spend our days on.

We had another great trip to Cody Wyoming on our annual Hosted Trip. Follow this link to learn more about our trip in 2023 and to get your name on the waiting list. Big fish with beautiful scenery is something everyone needs in their lives.

Our Fall Adult Fly Fishing Camp was a huge success and several new Fly Fishers were added to the clan. Our camp can be either super educational or fishing heavy. We customize it for each of our campers so they can get the most out of their experience at camp. Follow this link to read more about camp and to receive more information.

Thank you all for being such a big part of our 2022! We have some big things coming in 2023 and can’t wait for you all to be a part of it as well!